Isnin, 17 Ogos 2009

Habbatus Sawda Dapat Mencegah Inflenza H1N1

Sekali lagi terbukti Habbtus Sawda dapat menawar virus influenza A (H1N1) seperti yang di paparkan di surat khabar Utusan Malaysia 14 Ogos 2009.

Maka sayangilah keluarga anda dengan amalkan minyak Habbatutus Sawda ini penawar H1N1 yang paling baik. Mencegah sebelum dijangkiti.

Dapatkan secara online Minyak Habbatus Sawda ini di

Ahad, 16 Ogos 2009

Dapat Mencegah dan Menawar Segala Penyakit termasuk H1N1

Semenjak tahun 1959, lebih dari 200 kajian telah dijalankan oleh Universiti-universiti antarabangsa dan artikel-artikel diterbitkan dalam pelbagai journal menunjukkan hasil yang menakjubkan menyokong Habbatus Sawda’ telah digunakan sebagai Herba Perubatan semenjak 5000 tahun dahulu sebelum Masihi lagi. Ia disebut dalam kitab-kitab perubatan karangan Ibnu Sina(Avicenna), Al-Antiki, Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziy dan Khatib Al-Baghdadi.

Sebagai Herba Tradisional yang telah lama terkenal semenjak 5000 tahun dahulu, Habbatus Sawda’ digunakan untuk mengatasi pebagai masalah dan keadaan dan peawatan yang bersangkutan dengan sistem pernafasan, sakit perut dan usus, fungsi ginjal dan hati, sistem darah, sistem pertahanan badan, dan memulihkan kesihatan am.
Sebagai Herba Tradisional yang telah lama terkenal semenjak 5000 tahun dahulu, Habbatus Sawda’ digunakan untuk mengatasi pebagai masalah dan keadaan dan peawatan yang bersangkutan dengan sistem pernafasan, sakit perut dan usus, fungsi ginjal dan hati, sistem darah, sistem pertahanan badan, dan memulihkan kesihatan am.

Berbagai kajian memberikan bukti bahawa Habbatus Sawda’ meningkatkan sistem pertahanan badan jika digunakan sepanjang waktu. Di negara-negara Timur Tengah dan Timur Jauh selama berabad-abad menggunakan Habbatus Sawda’ untuk merawati penyakit ringan termasuk asthma dan bronchitis, rheumatism dan radang/inflammasi, meningkatkan produksi susu ibu selepas bersalin, merawat gangguan penghadaman, membantu menjaga sistem pertahanan badan, meningkatkan kemampuan penghadaman dan pembuangan, dan melawan penyakit jangkitan parasit. Minyaknya digunakan untuk penyakit kulit seperti eczema, dan atopic dermatitis, psoriasis dan jerawat.

Berikut adalah di antara kegunaan-kegunaan tradisi Habbatus Sawda’:-

1. Batuk yang kronik, batuk kokol selsema yang sudah lama
2. Resdung (sinusitis)
3. Lelah atau sesak nafas, akibat bronchial asthma dan cardiac asthma.
4. Sakit jantung, darah gemuruh
5. Darah tinggi (hypertension)
6. Luka-luka di hati (Cirrhosis of Liver)
7. Batu hempedu, batu karang. (gall bladder stone, calculus)
8. Sakit buah pinggang (renal problem)
9. Gout
10. Kencing manis (diabetis)
11. Luka-luka di dalam mulut
12. Sakit tengkuk
13. Tonsillitis, gusi berdarah, mulut berbau
14. Pedih di ulu hati
15. Gastric, luka-luka dalam perut (ulcer)
16. Buasir (hemorrhoid), masalah penghadaman.
17. Alahan dan gatal-gatal
18. Sakit gigi
19. Cacing, parasit
20. Migraine, masalah imsomia (tidak boleh tidur)
21. Selepas bersalin (menambah susu ibu)
22. Awet muda dan menegangkan kulit
23. Mencantikkan kulit, kuku
24. Masalah kesuburan perempuan
25. Senggugut
26. Masalah tenaga batin lelaki (urutan pada Zakar setiap hari)

Sungguh banyak manfaat kesihatan yang boleh didapati dari Habbutus Sawda’ ini sehingga tidak hairan apabila ia popular disebut “The Seed of Blessing”/ “Habbatul Barakah” , yang ertinya ” Biji-bijian yang mengandungi berkat”.

Penawar Influenza A (H1N1)

Marilah kita kembali kepada sumber alami. Hidup sihat dan bertenaga dengan sunnah!
Cubalah keberkesanan MINYAK HABBATUS SAWDAkami yang diproses dari perahan pertama menggunakan ORGANIC COLD PRESS serta dikawal mutu pengeluarannya

Berita Terkini dibawah dari Laman Web Rasmi Influenza A(H1N1) Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia menunjukkan penyebaran Virus H1N1 bukan makin berkurangan malah semakin bertambah. Adakah peristiwa pada 1918-1920 yang mengorbankan lebih berjuta orang akan berulang?

Sekarang ini kes H1N1 semakin menular dan membimbangkan. Negara-negara seperti Amerika Syarikat , Mexico, United Kingdom , Singapura dan New Zealand..termasuk Malaysia telah mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga diatas penularan wabak ini.

Pertubuhan kesihatan sedunia (WHO) juga telah mengistiharkan wabak selsema babi sudah di tahap ke 6 iaitu tahap pandemik. Wabak selesema babi atau Influenza A (H1N1) kini semakin meningkat tanpa henti dan semua negara perlukan vaksin, kata seorang pegawai Pertubuhan

Kesihatan Dunia (WHO) hari ini menyusul lebih 12 kematian baru yang dilaporkan.
Seluruh dunia sebenarnya sedang mencari penawar untuk selsema babi ini. Negara-negara kuasa besar seperti USA, Britain dan Jepun telah mengerahkan saintis mereka untuk mengkaji jenis-jenis ubat untuk penawar penyakit ini.

Kita beruntung kerana sebagai orang Islam, kita mempunyai Nabi yang boleh kita percayai dengan kukuh dan sudah tentu apa sahaja yang dikatakannya adalah datang dari yang maha Esa dan sudah tentu kita mesti percayai dengan yakin dan boleh diguna pakai.

Ada banyak hadith-hadith yang menyebut tentang Habbatus Sawda dan yang paling masyhur ialah yang diriwayatkan dalam kitab Sahih al-Bukhari seperti yang bermaksud: "Sesungguhnya Habbatus Sawda ini adalah penawar segala penyakit kecuali kematian."

Mencegah lebih baik daripada merawat.
Kenapa kita tidak bersedia dari sekarang? Berdasar kepada keyakinan Hadis Nabi ini insyaAllah pengamalan Minyak Habbatus Sawdaboleh menjadi penawar kepada selsema babi kecuali bagi mereka yang memang telah ditakdirkan dijangkiti selsema babi. Cara pengamalan yang terbaik adalah dengan Basmallah, Selawat dan Niat dilindungi oleh Allah dari wabak penyakit. Insyallah dengan izin Allah kita dan keluarga akan dihindari dari wabak yang sangat menakutkan ini dan mendapat berkat kerana mengamalkan Sunnah Nabi.

Ahad, 7 Jun 2009

Is coffee good or bad for your health?

Is coffee good or bad for your health?

How would you like a drug which could lower your risk of Parkinson's disease, diabetes, as well as colon cancer? A substance which could lift your mood and relieve headaches? A drug that could lower your risk of getting cavities? Coffee appears to be that substance.

Studies indicate coffee reduces the risk for diabetes and Parkinson's
Some studies have shown that coffee may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. After analyzing data on 120,000 people over an 18-year period (1), researchers at Harvard have concluded that drinking 1 to 3 cups of caffeinated coffee each day can reduce diabetes risk by several percentage points, compared with not drinking coffee at all.

Even more significant, is the fact that in this study, having 6 cups or more per day slashed men's risk by 54% and women's risk by 30% over those who avoided coffee. This study is the latest of hundreds of studies which suggest that coffee may be something of a health food - especially in higher amounts.

Over the past 20 years, over 19,000 studies have been conducted to examine the impact of coffee on one's health. Overall, the results are good news for the 110 million Americans who routinely enjoy this traditional morning ritual.

"By and large, the studies (2) show that coffee is far more beneficial than it is harmful," says Tomas DePaulis, PhD, researcher at Vanderbilt University's Institute for Coffee Studies, which conducts its own research and tracks coffee studies around the globe. For most individuals, studies show that very little bad comes from drinking coffee, but a lot of good.

At least 6 studies (3) indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis have up to 80% lower risks of developing Parkinson's disease, with 3 of those studies indicating that the more coffee they drink, the lower the risk. Other studies indicate that, compared to not drinking coffee, drinking at least 2 cups per day can lead to a 25% lower risk of colon cancer, an 80% drop in the risk of liver cirrhosis, and nearly 50% the risk of gallstones.

Is it the caffeine that is responsible for those benefits? Is it the antioxidants in coffee beans, some of which become especially potent during the roasting process?

Studies indicate that it might be both those factors.

"The evidence is very strong that regular coffee consumption reduces the risk for Parkinson's disease and that in the case of Parkinson's disease, the benefits are directly related to caffeine," according to Dr. DePaulis (2).

Researchers believe that some of coffee's reported beneficial effects are a direct result of its higher caffeine content: An 8-ounce cup of coffee contains about 85 mg of caffeine - about 3 times more than the same serving of tea or soda.

In another study (4), researchers looked at the coffee consumption and caffeine intake in 8,000 Japanese-American men. During the course of the study which lasted nearly 30 years, about 100 men developed Parkinson's disease. The risk of developing Parkinson's decreased gradually as the daily consumption of coffee rose from 4 ounces to more than 24 ounces per day.

In addition, the researchers found the same decrease in risk regardless of the source of caffeine. The men whose intake was less than 2.8 milligrams of caffeine per day were nearly 3 times more likely to develop Parkinson's than those whose caffeine intake was more than 107 milligrams from non-coffee sources.

Coffee and reduced diabetes risks
But other benefits can be derived from coffee which have nothing to do with caffeine. Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, including a group of compounds called "quinines" which when administered to rats in a laboratory, increases their insulin sensitivity. The increased sensitivity improves the body's response to insulin.

Researchers don't know exactly why coffee is beneficial for diabetes. Coffee also contains large quantities of the antioxidants tocopherols and chlorogenic acid, as well as minerals such as magnesium. All of those components have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.

This may explain why in the Harvard study (1), those drinking decaffeinated coffee also showed a reduced diabetes risk, although the reduction in risk was 50% that of those drinking caffeinated coffee.

Coffee and cavities
Some researchers believe another compound called "trigonelline" - which gives coffee its bitter taste and its aroma - may be responsible for giving coffee both anti-adhesive and antibacterial properties which help prevent dental cavities from forming.

Coffee consumption and moderation
On the other hand, it is clear that coffee is not for everyone. In excessive amounts - meaning more than whatever an individual's body can tolerate - coffee can cause nervousness, jitters, and rapid heartbeat.

Although studies investigating any relationship between higher cholesterol levels and coffee have yielded conflicting results, it is believed that in some people, drinking excessive amounts of coffee might cause elevated cholesterol levels (5).

However, coffee drinkers who consume filtered coffee should not worry themselves with respect to cholesterol levels, because research indicates that it is the coffee oils which are mainly responsible for the rise in cholesterol in people who drink nonfiltered or boiled coffee.

Most recent large studies show no significant adverse affects on most healthy people, although pregnant women, heart patients, and those at risk for osteoporosis may still be advised to limit or avoid coffee.

Jumaat, 17 April 2009

"Usahawan Muslim Perlu Rebut Peluang Perniagaan Kopitiam"

Sejak kami terbitkan buku "Menyingkap Rahsia Kekayaan E-Dagang" di pasaran pada tahun lepas, ramai pembaca yang mula tahu perniagaan e-dagang di Negara ini mula menampakkan perkembangan rancak, meskipun di Barat industri ini sudah berkembang hebat sejak sepuluh tahun yang lalu.

"Industri e-Dagang masih baru di Negara ini. Cuma sejak kebelakangan ini ia sudah mula mendapat sambutan dan kepercayaan orang ramai. Kami harap dengan kehadiran dalam industri internet sejak tahun lalu sedikit sebanyak membuka lebih banyak mata terutama di kalangan masyarakat bumiputera tentang peluang perniagaan melalui internet ini.

Bumiputera yang memiliki tahap ekonomi yang masih rendah tidak harus melepaskan peluang keemasan ini berlalu begitu sahaja. Peluang ini harus direbut sebaik mungkin kerana ia sedang terbuka luas dan masih banyak ruang yang belum diteroka, memandangkan Malaysia masih lagi berada di tahap awal dalam penerimaan perniagaan melalui e-dagang.

Potensi perniagaan e-dagang pada masa hadapan akan menjadi semakin luas. Seperti televisyen, radio, surat khabar, dan majalah yang merupakan media yang tidak luntur dek masa, demikian juga dengan internet.

"Pada masa ini pengguna internet di Malaysia mencecah 10 juta orang. Pada tahun lepas, jumlahnya adalah sembilan juta orang, bererti kenaikan sebanyak 1 juta pengguna setahun. Tetapi kita harus ingat, kenaikan itu tidak berlaku secara linear.
Tahun hadapan bukan bermakna lagi satu juta pengguna internet, tapi mungkin 1.5 juta atau 2 juta. Saya yakin, pengguna internet dan penerimaan internet akan terus berkembang di Malaysia seiring dengan usaha kerajaan yang turut menekankan kepentingan industri ICT di Malaysia."

Mungkin ramai yang teruja membaca kisah Dr.Irfan Khairi jutawan internet, tetapi masih tidak tahu untuk bermula. Sebenarnya sesiapa sahaja boleh memulakan perniagaan internet sekiranya ada minat untuk melakukannya. Ini kerana perniagaan internet tidak memerlukan modal yang tinggi, kerana ia boleh dimulakan dengan modal serendah RM50 sahaja. Ia juga tidak memerlukan pengetahuan teknologi maklumat yang tinggi kerana hari ini kami telah sediakan satu kaedah yang mana anda boleh menjana pendapatan melalui internet SEMUDAH MINUM KOPI di

Perniagaan e-Dagang memberi banyak peluang. Ia memberi peluang kepada ibu-ibu yang mahu menjaga sendiri anak-anak serta kepada mereka yang ingin memulakan perniagaan dengan modal yang rendah apa tah lagi bagi mereka yang masih menganggur.
"Hari ini ramai orang yang menghadapi masalah dengan pekerjaan mereka, termasuk juga mereka yang diberhentikan kerja. Mereka ini harus beri peluang kepada diri sendiri untuk mencuba perniagaan melalui internet ini. Ia boleh dijalankan di rumah dengan kos yang serendah RM50 sahaja.

"Bagi graduan menganggur pula, mereka patut merebut peluang ini dan tidak menunggu pekerjaan makan gaji. Bahkan saya sarankan bukan sahaja kepada graduan menganggur, tetapi sesiapa juga sebagai satu cara mendapatkan pendapatan sampingan dan memantapkan ekonomi negara"

"Masih terdapat terlalu banyak ruang yang boleh dieksploitasi oleh kaum bumiputera di arena e-dagang. Justeru syarikat akan teruskan rancangan syarikat untuk fasa ke 2 iaitu Kopitiam Sawda di seluruh Malaysia”.

Sila hubungi perunding kami Azman 019-754 7558, Kenny 019-779 7558, Mus 014-211 8112 atau Amran 019-276 7558 untuk maklumat lanjut.

Jangan lepaskan peluang keemasan ini, kejayaan hanya untuk sesiapa yang mengambil tindakan.

Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

黑種草油 Black Seed Oil

黑種草油 Black Seed Oil

在東方是珍貴的香料植物的黑種草,常用在於食物料理。種子在夏季初收,以冷壓方式萃取精油;不但是頂級的肌膚保養油,更是豐富的營養補給品。黑種草 含有的珍貴脂酸精華,是人類健康維持不可缺少且不易製造的脂酸。它含有約0.4-0.5%的精油,21%蛋白質,38%碳水化合物,35%油脂/植物油 脂,以及許多不同種類生物體內必需有的微量元素;能夠促進新陳代謝,是優質的營養補給品。

『』所擁 有的黑種草油商品,是透過廠所製做。黑種草油是經過講究的程序收割,並以「一次冷壓萃取法」萃取,採用不透光的完整包裝,保存了珍貴成分及最佳品質 的黑種草油。本產品富含不飽和脂肪酸,並含有豐富的β胡蘿蔔素、生物素、葉酸、維生素B1、維生素B2、維生素B6與維生素C等珍貴營養素。是活性最強的 黑種草油。德國與瑞士的專家已發現黑種草油中含有特別的物質皂綴素、苦味素及活性成份百里香醌 ,經常食用能常保身體健康,遠離疾病。 官方網站


BLACK SEED (Nigella Sativa)

Tiny and hairy, being no more than 3mm in length, black seed originates from the common fennel flower plant (Nigella sativa) of the buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family. Nigella sativa is sometimes mistakenly confused with the fennel herb plant (Foeniculum vulgare). The plant reproduces with itself and forms a fruit capsule, which consists of many white trigonal seeds. Once the fruit capsule has matured, it opens up and the seeds contained within are exposed to the air, becoming black in color (black seeds).

Black seed is phytotherapuetic (Herbal medicine ) and has been known to reduce your risk to illness and disease by strengthening your immune system and protecting your body’s most important organs. It is a wondrous herb that has been used for centuries throughout the world for its many therapeutic properties.

The seeds also contain a fatty oil rich in unsaturated fatty acids, mainly linoleic acid (50 – 60%), oleic acid (20%), eicodadienoic acid (3%) and dihomolinoleic acid (10%) which is characteristic for the genus. Saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic acid) amount to about 30% or less. Commercial nigella oil (“Black Seed Oil”, “Black Cumin Oil”) may also contain parts of the essential oil, mostly thymoquinone, by which it acquires an aromatic flavour.

The most pertinent point to be made about black seed is that it should be regarded as part of an overall holistic approach to health and ideally should be incorporated into one's everyday lifestyle. In this way, the many nutritional and healing properties contained in the seed can help build the body's immune system over time, supplying it with the optimum resources it needs to help prevent and fight illness.

From the Tibb health perspective, the black seed has an ability to maintain and restore body heat. Our Western diet, predominantly made up of cold foods -- ice in our drinks, yogurt, pizza, cheese -- all deplete the innate heat our body requires in order to optimally function. Tibb holds the view that a reduced metabolic rate (innate heat) is the cause of most illnesses. The body, in losing energy, also loses its ability to fight off toxins, resulting in a greater chance of contracting illness.

Black seed is also included in the list of natural drugs of Al-Tibb al-Nabawi, and, according to tradition, "Hold onto the use of the black seed for it has a remedy for every illness except death." This prophetic reference in describing black seed as "having a remedy for all illnesses" may not be so exaggerated as it at first appears. Recent research has provided evidence, which indicates that black seed contains an ability to significantly boost the human immune system - if taken over time. The prophetic phrase, "hold onto the use of the seed," also emphasizes consistent usage of the seed.

Most medicines work best when given a chance to run their full course, and this too, is the case with black seed. In cognizance of its substantial nutritional components, as well as its specific medicinal properties, the body's ability to maintain health and promote healing of a lasting nature is best increased through regular use of black seed.


Black seed is effective at treating the body as a whole and fights the actual cause of the symptoms. Black seed regulates too weak or too strong reactions of the immune system and is excellent for treating chronic, allergic and hormonal diseases.It uses are many as well as its benefit. Black seed support metabolism, improve digestion, and lowers blood sugar levels. It is used to dispel worms and parasites from intestinal track. It is useful in soothing bronchitis and coughs, increase body tone, stimulates menstrual periods, increases the flow of breast milk, provides quick energy, increases sperm count, calms the nervous system, encourages hair growth and retards hair fall out, prevents skin wrinkling, and much more.

Initial trials have shown that black seed may have an ability to increase the male sperm count.

Which its rich nutritional, energy-giving value, in combination with immune system strengthening properties, black seed is an ideal health supplement for the elderly person.

In addition to its many nutritional components, black seed contains carotene, which is essential for infant growth. During the toddler years, black seed provides children with all the energy they require for this active stage of life.

Regular usage of black seed, which increases its immune system strengthening effect on the body, will decrease the length and severity of natural childhood illnesses, particularly during winter when children are most susceptible to contracting colds and flu.

Black seed is effective at treating the body as a whole and fights the actual cause of the symptoms.

It is useful in soothing bronchitis and coughs, increase body tone, stimulates menstrual periods, increases the flow of breast milk, provides quick energy, increases sperm count, calms the nervous system, encourages hair growth and retards hair fall out, and prevents skin wrinkling.

Black seed regulates too weak or too strong reactions of the immune system, is excellent for treating chronic, allergic and hormonal diseases, black seed support metabolism, improve digestion

It also helps to lower blood sugar levels.

It is used to dispel worms and parasites from intestinal track.

Black seed may be used as a therapeutic aid together with other forms of treatment to help counteract any side effects experienced from the use of antibiotics or other potent, chemically based medicines.

Black seed provides nutritional support for the body's defense system. The body's ability to maintain health and promote healing of a lasting nature is best increased through regular use of black seed.

The majority of our health problems have the same causes- infection by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. When using clinical (allopathic medicines) each symptom is treated individually and usually with synthetic chemically manufactured medicines that contain alcohol and other harmful ingredients.

Black seed is effective at treating the body as a whole and fights the actual cause of the symptoms.

So you can try it out by just order online from and we will deliver to you soonest possible.

Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

Cara Menambah Pendapatan Di Masa Lapang

Setiap hari di papar di suratkharbar berita pekerja-perkerja di berhentikan atau di minta kerja 3 atau 4 hari sahaja seminggu. Jadi apa yang anda boleh buat dengan masa yang lapang itu ???

Di sini kami syorkan anda boleh promote Sawda Coffee kami yang berasaskan Habbatus Sawda yang mana sudah pasti khasiatnya yang berbeza apa tah lagi kami akan memberi Ganjaran Tunai setiap kotak bila kawan anda beli.

Sudah ramai pelanggan lama kami dapat Ganjaran Tunai "Semudah Minum Kopi" yang sehinggakan dia sendiri dapat minum kopi "PERCUMA"

Disini ini ingin saya kongsikan satu tip JUTAWAN untuk anda :-

**Jutawan banyak memberi. Menurut buku Dr Thomas Stanley, "The
Millionaire's Mind" antara sikap-sikap jutawan adalah suka memberi.
Hadis juga ada mengatakan bahawa sekiranya kita memberi satu dengan
ikhlas, 10 akan kembali kepada kita. Jadi, sekiranya anda jenis
kedekut dan tidak suka memberi, maka maaf, kelab jutawan bukanlah
untuk anda!

Cuba amalkan tip ini dan kami pasti anda juga boleh jadi jutawan satu hari nanti.